
This Month In Real Estate
- Monthly video that offers an inside look at the national real estate market.

Increasing your home's appeal
- Remember the 60-second rule and maximize your home's appeal.

Mortgage Calculator - Use our mortgage calculator to get an idea about down payments, monthly payments, etc.

Selling your Home

Eight steps to selling your home
- "Why do I want to sell and what do I expect to accomplish with the sale?"

Practicing good seller's etiquette - As with any business transaction, there is an expected protocol to follow. Should you find yourself in a sticky situation, alert your agent so he or she can address and remedy the problem.

Understanding the buyer - The more your home matches the consumer trends that influence a buyer, the more competitive it will be in the marketplace. Seek your Real Estate Agent advise.

Working with your Agent

How can a real estate agent help me sell my home
- Interviewing an agent can be similar to interviewing someone to work in your office. Contacting references can be a reliable way for you to understand how he or she works, and whether or not this style is compatible with your own.

How to price to sell and still make a profit - Your real estate agent's knowledge of the overall market and what's selling - or not selling - will be invaluable in helping you determine the price. The objective is to find a price that the market will bear but won't leave money on the table. Consider Time, Value, Cost and Keep it Simple!

Contact us about selling a property - If you are considering selling your home—now or in the future-, fill out the form below, and I’ll send you some free information on the home-selling process and how to get started.